Made it to Earls Cove
Well the first leg was awesome although it didn't start too well. I woke up at 2:45am and took my time to put everything together. Went through my checklist, yep all good to go. I left the house at 4am and it was very dark which required me to use some lights. The first 1/2 hour in the dark was a bit eerie because it was so quiet. About 10 min into the ride I needed a drink of water and no water bottles. Man! It wasn't on my list! So I realized that nothing was open in Gibsons at 4:30 am except for Timmy's which had these pathetic water bottles. Good enough I said and shelled out $3.45 (rip off). There was almost no traffic most of the way which I counted 10 cars. I'm now waiting for the 8:25 ferry where I'll rest, stretch, get sugared up and ride to Powell River for 30km.