When cycling becomes a right of passage

Okay, a couple of weeks ago I hit a nice peak and I wanted to ride all the time.  I put 900km in the month of July and my avg km/hour basically bumped up a couple of k's.  So, today I forced myself to wake up early, decided to drive to Sechelt and join a group ride to get me motivated.  So I waited at the meeting spot and no one showed (or bothered).  I started with the motivational talk with myself - do a long ride and you'll be better for it. Trust me you'll be glad you did...F-it was my body's response.  So, do a short ride. At least you can justify driving for 1/2 hour to get here.  F-it was the response again.    Why don't you turn around, go to a lung association fundraiser breakfast and talk about cycling.  Ah! that is an awesome idea! - So I turned around and got a 8min ride in.

So this is the lows of cycling - two to three weeks ago I had awesome energy and power.  This week - well I need someone like Tony Robbins to keep my interested in riding and complete this right of passage.  I think its boredom of the same routes and trying to ride early when I'm tired.  I think I'll try a Vancouver trip this Sunday as part of re-motivation plan.



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