Moose Jaw - Wonder where the name came from
My virtual tour lands me in Moose Jaw at 1663km across Canada. How did this place get its name? Wiki (gotta love Wiki!) says "Marked on a map as Moose Jaw Bone Creek in an 1857 survey by surveyor John Palliser,[1] there are two theories as to how the city got its name. The first one is that it comes from the Plains Cree namemoscâstani-sîpiy meaning "a warm place by the river", indicative of the protection from the weather that the Coteau Range provides to the river valley containing the city[2]and also the Plains Cree wordMoose Gaw meaning warm breezes. The other is that on the map of the city the Moose Jaw river is shaped like a moose's jaw." I like the first version rather than the obvious. Traveling luck has a better break down of Moose Jaw here . Of course every town aptly named from a moose's anatomy should have a giant statue of it!

Regina is a mere 70km away and Winnipeg is 550km. There is a whole load of km still to ride!
Regina is a mere 70km away and Winnipeg is 550km. There is a whole load of km still to ride!