Starting to get excited about riding again.

I'm just starting to get into the groove of riding on the coast.  There seems to be greater enthusiasm this year versus other years as several people have approached me to go riding seriously.  A couple of ideas we have floated around is to do the Circle Ride (Powell River, Courtney, Nanaimo, Gibsons loop) which is 240km and 10-12 hours of riding in two days.  Actually one of the riders would like to do it in one day!!!!  I don't want this to be a rite of passage into a mid-life crisis as the suggestion came from a former Canadian Cycling Champion (who is bionic by the way).  I would like to enjoy the ride and two days will just about do it.  June 26, 27 could be the dates for some fun!

Other ideas is a small toonie criterium race around the blocks in Sechelt.  The race format is 20 laps and if you are lapped then you're out.  They can get a bit dangerous around corners and with bunch of people....maybe not...but lots of interest in racing though!  Maybe we'll stick to Wednesday night rides instead and sprint for the street signs.


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