Just registered to ride in the Whisler Granfondo Event!!!!
I needed a goal and it wasn't simple to decide. First there was a possible duathlon at UBC. I'm not a strong runner and actually despise it, but it would have been a necessary evil. The date was coming soon and I haven't even tried running. So, its becoming a passing thought.
My friend, Dave sent an email of a ride from Vancouver to Whistler called the Granfondo which means big ride. He also said that there were only hundred spaces left of the 3500 spaces for the ride. So I started entering information on my Iphone but hadn't finished the registration yet. A day later after mulling the idea with my wife and with her support, I jumped on the computer to register and the website said "Sold Out!". Oh man I was beyond bummed out!!! Then I remember my phone registration and voila! the session was still active. I put my information back in and credit card number and the website accepted my payment and a confirmation came in the mail!!!!! Woo Hoo!!!!! Hopefully they don't notice there is 3501 people registered.
From the website http://www.whistlergranfondo.com/granfondo.htm
Gran Fondo's are mass participation cycling events that have enjoyed incredible popularity in Europe for decades, and are beginning to gain momentum in North America. The Whistler GranFondo will be the first of its kind in Canada (but the US saw about 9 Gran Fondo rides start up in 2009).
My friend, Dave sent an email of a ride from Vancouver to Whistler called the Granfondo which means big ride. He also said that there were only hundred spaces left of the 3500 spaces for the ride. So I started entering information on my Iphone but hadn't finished the registration yet. A day later after mulling the idea with my wife and with her support, I jumped on the computer to register and the website said "Sold Out!". Oh man I was beyond bummed out!!! Then I remember my phone registration and voila! the session was still active. I put my information back in and credit card number and the website accepted my payment and a confirmation came in the mail!!!!! Woo Hoo!!!!! Hopefully they don't notice there is 3501 people registered.
From the website http://www.whistlergranfondo.com/granfondo.htm
What is a GranFondo?
Loosely translated from Italian, GranFondo means "big ride." Rides are often 100 km or more for a large number of cyclists at a variety of skill levels - everyone from the competitive cyclist to the amateur wanting to challenge themselves over distance and time enjoy these events. While these are not races, top finishers are often recognized.
Gran Fondo's are judged by the challenges they offer… steep climbs, long distances and a combination of the two. The Whistler GranFondo will not disappoint with 2,400 meters of climbing over the entire 120 km route. And if that isn't enough, the Whistler GranFondo will also offer primes (or mini timed races) along the way at particularly challenging sections to give riders that extra motivational boost. This will be a challenge worth bragging about and you'll be rewarded with a Founding Riders Finisher's Medal