Give Me Something Simple in My Mid-Life Crisis

Life is complicated. Simply put. I don't yearn for the days of a simple lifestyle as I get older because I like the rewards of having an complicated lifestyle... Its hard to put that into words, but for some things I do wish for less complicated things to keep me happy. Take cycling for example; I ride both road and mountain bikes - I like riding on the road, its simple, my mind can drift off and I can enjoy the view (when not on a busy road). I like when its done, it's clean, clothes aren't muddy and bike is put away dry and as new as the day I got it. But riding on the road is boring, and if I didn't have music, I would be falling asleep at 50 km into the ride. I also like mountain biking, the trails keeps me concentrated on my balance, my skills and on the flow. But my mind can't drift and to be set into auto pilot to solve work or life problems. 50km into a mountain bike ride, I AM EXHAUSTED. My bikes are complicated - Double tap, carbon frame, hydro...