Is it SAD's or Just Winter Hibernation?

So I'm in the middle of winter with no motivation to ride, getting fat, tired and...unmotivated. The weather in winter typically gets me down - too much rain to ride, too cold to ride, too snowy to ride, too dark to ride, feeling sick, blah blah blah.... Is this a mild form of depression like Seasonal Affective Disorder. Some can say that. I think that weather affects me more than most and its easy for me to blame the weather to not go out. When I force myself to ride, afterwards I think why was it such a struggle to get going in the first place. During the winter, motivation is fairly elusive for me, and is such a frame of mind for me to overcome. I understand it may be easy for some people to ride - suns out, lets ride. For me, thoughts like - you should ride cause your fat; if you don't ride you'll get dropped by your friends; if you don't train, those Strava goals will remain elusive; and you're not getting any younger. But als...