
Showing posts from March, 2013

Injury 1- Dirty Duo 0

Crap!  Maybe it was fate; maybe my mind's lack of motivation to race did it; maybe it was dumb-ass stupidity.  Anyway, I was riding in bike park last week and was trying a 30'  by 5" log skinny.  I kept falling off about 1/2 way thru so I had this great idea of trying it again, but "faster". This time I fell off, hit a smaller log and endo'ed.  When I landed I felt this searing pain in my calf.  "F" did that hurt!  I had to ride back for 16km and by that time, I could hardly walk.  The next day, I couldn't put any weight on my leg except for walking on my toes.  I really thought that I broke my leg at one point.  Within a couple days, my walk looked almost normal and less pained.   Anyway, it turned out as a 2nd degree calf strain.  Its been a week and my leg is still really sore so it looks like easy riding for a while. Anyway, I missed the Duo and now I'm need to take it easy for 2-3 weeks before pumping up my riding for th...

One Week to the Dirty Duo and Fitness and Head space Sucks!

Like most people I know, I planned to participate in riding events throughout the season.  Last year, it was the TriDU at UBC.  This year its the Dirty Duo.  Trying to train during the winter has it's brief beautiful weather rides in amongst the 3 times as many crappy weather rides. So's its raining - again....and I'm struggling with trying to get enough riding in to at least do okay in the Duo.  When I do ride, its mental smashing on my motivation factor to keep riding.  Prolong steep climbing especially puts me on the verge of crying.  Small amounts of whimpering may have been heard on some of my rides.  Its a persevere moment in my life - what doesn't kill you make you strong I suppose. ---WAB1234---