The North Shore Triple Crown - They say that its not easy.

It all starts with a whisper - a sown seed if you will - "Lets do the Triple Crown". A year ago I was like a hard tarmac or dry, parched desert that any seed of a Triple Crown suggestion would be met with flock of hungry pigeons. No f'in way! But its 2012 and things haven't gone my way since my May injury. An oasis in the desert sprouted a fountain of exuberance and it grew to a f ' yeah! This trip gave me a purpose to train just a little harder, motivated to ride on the road again and start attacking the hills. My friends thought I was nuts - "Are you crazy" was often in the conversation. We set off on the first ferry to beat the 30 deg C heat and to get much of the climbing done by noon. We rode along Marine Drive and because the day was a Sunday (on a long weekend), we basically had the road to ourselves for a good 4 hours. The first climb is considered by most as the steepest and is the HC (outside category) of the Sh...