
Showing posts from May, 2012

One week down and getting depressed

Its been just over one week since my broken collarbone and been finding that its difficult to even tinker with my bike.  I have a bunch of tires that need patching and wheels to true, chains to oil and such, but I need the use of both my hands for it.  This injury so sucks! To add insult to injury, we've been having the best weather all year (mini heatwave) after the sucky-est winter and spring and I can't ride.... Just thought I write about where my headspace is at. ----WAB1234----

A series of decisions leading to an unfortunate event

I'm sitting in a chair at the hospital waiting for my x-rays to be looked at by a surgeon.  My shoulder in a sling and elbow resting on the arm of the chair.  There doesn't seem to be a comfortable position to keep my throbbing collarbone from aching.   My mom just came in to give me crap on messing up my shoulder and my wife is equally as mad.  Both of my loves are angry from worry I suspect. It's always good to look at any event in post-mortem and waiting for 3 hours can do wonders on any reflection.  Racing the Sunshinecoaster Race was a goal of mine when I first threw my leg over the my new G bike in January.  Mountain biking was just the ticket to get a early start on this spring and summer road riding.  As I started riding, my confidence grew and my fitness gained quickly.  Two months ago I registered, and last month I started pre-riding the course.  The course itself is a very hilly course with lots of steady 12% grunt...