It'll Take A Year to Make.
So I had this great idea. This weekend I started to film myself riding a trail that I particularly like. I'll film different sections during the year and my thought is that you'll see a change in seasons and probably clothing. Hopefully it will work out. Below is my first little bit of filming of the trail crossing over Langdale Creek - The Lunge. I rode with a great group of people today and I seem to be a bit of an historian having come to Mountain Biking from being away for 15 years. I would say in 1997 there were maybe 25% of the trails that they have today...and the trails now are so much nicer. I went on about these new trails. I think that we are definitely blessed with some of the great mountain bike trails in Canada. Thanks to all those trail builders out there! Caution - Explicit wording in the music - You've been warned. ---WAB1234---